Enamel signet ring €440 Preorder gold plating and burgundy gold plating and burgundy gold plating and burgundy
Laces ring €320 Preorder grey and light blue grey and light blue grey and light blue grey and light blue grey and light blue
Bolt and nut ring €285 Preorder yellow gold plating burattato yellow gold plating burattato yellow gold plating burattato
Bolt and nut ring €240 Preorder yellow gold plating burattato yellow gold plating burattato yellow gold plating burattato
Laces ring €320 Preorder black and gold plating black and gold plating black and gold plating black and gold plating black and gold plating
Enamel chunky ring €340 Preorder black and palladium black and palladium black and palladium black and palladium black and palladium
Numeric Minimal Signature Pendant Ring Necklace €250 Preorder mm6 polished palladio polished palladio